Prometheus Elasticsearch Exporter

This Prometheus exporter collects metrics from queries run on an Elasticsearch cluster’s data, and metrics about the cluster itself.

Source Code Python Package Docker Image Helm Chart


Deploy prometheus-es-exporter on a Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration:

helm repo add braedon
helm repo update

helm install braedon/prometheus-es-exporter --name <release name> \
                                            --set elasticsearch.cluster=<elasticsearch nodes> \
                                            --set image.tag=<image tag>

Specify configuration via a YAML file:

helm install braedon/prometheus-es-exporter --name <release name> -f <config file>.yaml


Available configurable parameters and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
elasticsearch.cluster addresses of elasticsearch nodes to run queries on none
elasticsearch.queries elasticsearch queries to run see values.yaml
deployment.replicas exporter pod replicas to deploy 1
pod.annotations annotations to add to the exporter pods {}
pod.extraVolumes extra volumes to pass to the exporter pod []
image.repository exporter docker image repository braedon/prometheus-es-exporter
image.tag exporter docker image tag none
image.pullPolicy exporter docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
container.port exporter container metrics port 9206
container.portName exporter container metrics port name prometheus
container.extraArgs extra arguments to pass to the exporter container []
container.extraEnv extra env vars to pass to the exporter container []
container.extraVolumeMounts extra volume mounts to pass to the exporter container []
container.resources exporter container resource requests & limits {}
nodeSelector node labels for exporter pod assignment {}
tolerations node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >=1.6) []
affinity node/pod affinities (requires Kubernetes >=1.6) {}
service.port exporter service port 9206
service.portName exporter service port name prometheus
service.annotations annotations to add to the exporter service {}

See the exporter README for details on the format of exporter options like elasticsearch.cluster.

See the example query config file for examples and explanations of query configurations for elasticsearch.queries.